Do You Need Dental Work? Meet Dr. ‘No Pain’ at Find Health In Ecuador Dental Clinic

Jan 3, 2024

By Susan Burke March

There are a number of reasons why medical and dental tourism in Ecuador is popular, with the primary two being that it’s less costly than in North America, and that you can obtain quality care, particularly in Cuenca.

Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic offers modern, comfortable dental facilities.

And what is medical tourism anyway? According to the Medical Tourism Association, it is “where people who live in one country travel to another country to receive medical, dental and surgical care while at the same time receiving equal to or greater care than they would receive in their own country, and are traveling for medical care because of affordability, better access to care or a higher level or quality of care.”

Depending on the cost of the procedure back home, medical savings can be as much as 50-60%. For people who are paying out of pocket, it’s typical to make an appointment in the morning, and see the doctor the same day, or the day after. The quality of care in Cuenca clinics and hospital facilities is first-rate. The patient-to-staff ratio in private hospitals is low. Cuenca’s labs and imaging centers usually have the latest equipment. Many physicians have advanced professional training and certifications from top schools in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and Australia.

Dr. Andres Pacheco has earned the nick name Dr. No Pain

Quality, affordable dental care is even harder to find in the U.S. Costs have tripled over the past 20 years, and even with dental insurance, costs are often capped at $1,500. At Find Health In Ecuador Dental Clinic, Nick, Adam, and their excellent staff will personally and expertly work with you to customize your dental visit, where you can find savings up to 60-90% compared to costs in North America. In the fully bilingual office, dentist Dr. Andres Pacheco is actually known in Cuenca as “Dr. No Pain”.

Why take the chance of traveling to Cuenca, simply hoping to find a reliable dentist? It’s far more efficient and less stressful to work with Nick and his staff to facilitate your experience.

The waiting area at Find Health.

Dr. Pacheco graduated at the top of his class at Cuenca’s Catholic University, where he obtained his MS in Dentistry. He’s an expert in evaluating patients for treatment, and in making sure that the procedures are pain-free. Some patients have described their experience and their testimonials to Dr. Pacheco’s skillful practice are quite reassuring. Some people really dread the dentist, and while not all procedures require pain medication, the doctor and patient may decide on Novocain, or a helpful medication to reduce anxiety … and if necessary, treatments can be scheduled in the hospital where the procedure can be done under anesthesia. The staff of Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic will arrange all of this promptly and efficiently.

New patients can contact the clinic through the website, or call them at their U.S. phone number from the States or Canada, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time). Any reputable dentist will need to see your records, and if possible, speak with your U.S. dentist to send your records to the clinic prior to arriving for your first appointment. In this way, the staff can most expediently schedule your treatment.

Making patients comfortable is a priortiy.

Making patients comfortable is a priority.

But maybe you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, or you cannot obtain your records? Not to worry, because at Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic, the clinic’s modern x-ray and lab facilities are located on the first floor of the Clinic, and your appointments will be scheduled before you arrive.

There are numerous international flights into Quito and Guayaquil daily, where your English-speaking guide will be waiting for you to transport you to Cuenca and your reserved accommodations. You can choose from an inexpensive but spotless and comfortable “hostel” in El Centro or an apartment, fully furnished and just like home, also conveniently located in Cuenca.

Arriving for your first visit, you’ll find a bright and sunny building, and spotless office. Your English-speaking facilitators and staff warmly greet you, and they will make sure that all goes smoothly as planned.

Visiting patients are supplied with their own cell phone: it’s pre-programmed with the office and facilitator’s number. Knowing that you’re never out of touch or on your own in the city — now, that’s customer service!

Dental implants require additional scheduling — typically, the time between the implanted post and the placing of the crown is three to six months. Costs are just a fraction of what is typical in the U.S., which for a single implant (including the post, abutment and crown) averages about $5,000 for one, depending upon where you live. At Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic, an implant costs $1,000, and the crown ranges from $250-$500, depending on the material chosen.

The friendly receptionist, with her guardians.

With the savings, patients may choose to travel! If you’re on a tourist visa, you can come to Cuenca for your exam and implant, then take some time to travel around the country and Latin America, using up some days outside of the country — then return for your crown placement. Or you can return home, and the staff will take care of your scheduling for your return for follow-up procedures. Learn more about dental implants here.

The Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic offers a comprehensive suite of services, all for a significant cost savings, including braces ($800), bridges ($250+), crowns ($250+), and root canals ($190). A deep cleaning (periodontal cleaning) is $30.

A regular teeth cleaning is only $20, and new patients receive their first cleaning free!

While you’re here, you might want to brighten your smile. Laser Teeth Whitening gives visible effects rapidly. In most clinics, this procedure will cost about $250, but your cost is only $190. Plan on one or two sessions for best results, spaced one to three days apart.

Finally, besides savings of 60-90% on all Dental Tourism procedures, Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic also works with a highly qualified English speaking physicians in Cuenca, and will refer you at no charge to doctors in the following fields: cosmetic/plastic surgery and hair restoration; eye and ear specialists (LASIK surgery, cataract, glaucoma; hearing aids); orthopedic physicians (arthroscopic shoulder surgery, knee and hip arthroscopic surgery/replacement); gastroenterology/endoscopy and colonoscopy screening tests; and more.

The clinic houses a modern imaging center, and radiologic and blood serum laboratory. Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic truly lives up to its mission, “We are devoted to improving your quality of life by assisting you through every step of your chosen Dental or Medical appointment and/or procedure in Cuenca. We focus on affordability and quality of care, with optimal results, while providing a customized experience tailored to your personal needs and goals.”

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today, especially when it can save you discomfort and money. Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic.

Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic Contact Information:

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Clinic’s Phone (Ecuador): 074.108.745 (If calling from Ecuador)
Phone (U.S.A.):
 1-941-227-0114 (If calling from the U.S.A)
Clinic Address: Paseo de los Cañaris and Pumapungo
in the Medimagen Building, 2nd Floor
Cuenca, Ecuador
Google Maps:,-78.993918,21z

Adam Elliot Altholtz ("Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic")

Adam Elliot Altholtz serves as the Administrator & Patient Coordinator of the “Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic”, along with his fellow Expats' beloved 'Dr. No Pain', right here in Cuenca, Ecuador, and for purposes of discussing all your Dental needs and questions, is available virtually 24/7 on all 365 days of the year, including holidays. Adam proudly responds to ALL Expat patients from at least 7:00am to 9:00pm Ecuador time, again every single day of the year (and once more even on holidays), when you write to him by email at and also by inquiry submitted on the Dental Clinic's fully detailed website of for you to visit any time, by day or night. Plus, you can reach Adam directly by WhatsApp at +593 98 392 9606 or by his US phone number of 1‐(941)‐227‐0114, and the Dental Clinic’s Ecuador phone number for local Expats residing in Cuenca is 07‐410‐8745. ALWAYS, you will receive your full Dental Service in English (NEVER in Spanish), per you as an Expat either living in or desiring to visit Cuenca by your Dental Vacation, plus also to enjoy all of Ecuador's wonders that are just waiting for you to come arouse and delight your senses.

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